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To inquire about this program:
Dr. Abigail Heiniger | 423.869.6627|

Arts in the Gap

点击这里了解LMU所有年龄段的夏季文学课程: Mountain Heritage Literary Festival and Arts in the Gap.

English Major

For more than a hundred years, 澳门威尼斯人赌城的英语系一直是该校教育使命的基础项目. Its graduates include James Still, Jesse Stuart, Don West and George Scarbrough, 阿巴拉契亚南部一些最著名的作家. The Department teaches all LMU students in their freshman, sophomore and junior years, 提供培养基本写作能力的课程, creative and analytical skills, 以及对不同文化和历史时期的文学的欣赏. 英语专业向学生介绍许多传统的富有想象力的英语写作,并通过加深他们的洞察力和培养他们口头和书面表达想法的能力,为他们成为成功的记者做好准备, novelists, teachers, lawyers, stockbrokers, and many other professions.

Department Mission Statement

英语系力求培养博览群书的毕业生, articulate, and capable of substantial scholarly research. 学生应该能够根据文学作品的创作环境来思考它, to its internal characteristics, and to the student's own experience. 毕业后,学生应该为职业生涯做好准备,如教学, or for further study in a graduate school, a law school, or a corporate training program. 英语课程也有助于澳门威尼斯人赌城的使命和宗旨,通过阅读系列和年度文学节推进坎伯兰缺口地区的文化生活, 通过培养学生清晰沟通和做出明智判断的能力,在某一知识领域提供可观的学习深度.

除了在英国和美国的文学和文化史上有坚实的背景, the major program in English develops important skills, such as critical reading and thinking, analysis and interpretation, and effective oral and written communication. Students who complete a B.A. 精通英语的人通常在研究生院或专业学校继续他们的教育, or pursue careers in education, publishing, journalism, technical writing, business, or public relations. Further, 该系参与刑事司法和美国研究项目,提供法律预科学习的推荐课程. 本课程将帮助有意进入法学院的英语专业学生做好准备. 学生必须在所有应用于英语专业或辅修专业的课程中取得“C-”或以上的成绩.

Special Features

每年都有很多人参加山地遗产文学节, directed by author and Assistant Professor Patrick Wensink, 庆祝丰富的阿巴拉契亚文学传统,这种传统在LMU仍然很盛行.

该系的教师有广泛的学术兴趣,涵盖了从贝奥武夫到近代小说的英语文学的历史范围, poetry, and drama, 并在许多国家级学术和文学期刊上广泛发表文章.

Career Information

LMU英语专业的学生培养各种关键技能,为他们在几乎无限的职业生涯中取得成功做好准备. Why is the English major so versatile? 这是因为对于雇主和专业学校来说,学生在英语专业培养的能力和才能比任何专业知识都更有价值. 雇主可以很容易地培训员工完成特定工作的特定任务. 但他们真正寻找的是那些只有通过认真的阅读和写作才能培养出来的有价值的能力. LMU English majors are forceful problem solvers; they are able to summarize and clarify ideas; and they are persuasive, independent, and creative thinkers.

 According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook, 技术写作等领域对英语专业学生的需求, 图书馆学和图书馆教学的增长速度高于平均水平, comparable with jobs like nursing. 在线出版物和服务的数量和复杂性都在不断增长, 刺激了对具有网络和多媒体经验的作家和作者的需求. 有关英语专业毕业生就业前景的更多详细信息,请参见: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook.

Departmental Clubs/Organizations

Each spring students in the English honor society, Sigma Tau Delta, 在协会的地区和国家会议上领导讨论小组并发表论文.

Four-Year Plans

English - Four-Year Plan (starting Fall 2024)

Early Entry Program to the LMU Duncan School of Law

LMU邓肯法学院的提前入学计划允许澳门威尼斯人赌城的本科生申请, be accepted to, 并在获得学士学位之前,开始在LMU邓肯法学院攻读法学博士学位. For more information, see Guidelines and DSOL Early Entry Plan (starting Fall 2024).

English Literature Minor

辅修英国文学的学生需要15个小时的课程,包括文学研究, Criticism, Survey of British Literature, 美国文学概览和英语选修课,学生选择在300或400级.

Writing Minor

辅修写作的学生需要15个小时的课程,包括创意写作, Fiction Writing, Poetry Writing, and Creative Non-fiction, and Workplace Writing.

Meet the Faculty

Rebecca Brackmann

Thomas Bragg

Jacques Debrot

Abigail Heiniger

Sandra Weems

Patrick Wensink